#Hottrendclothing Fashion LLC The subjects varied but there are two things that older Serbian people love talking about: history (mainly war) and how unjust their governement is, denying its people some very basic needs like proper medical treatment. At the age of ten, these talks bored me to death. I had no desire of hearing how my grandma’s cousin had to pay twice as much in order for the surgeon to agree to operate his knee or how my great uncle would need to come to Switzerland for some urgent teeth problem. I believe this was too dark and I lacked understandibility in that respect, as I had hardly ever heard old Swiss people complain about such things in that way. I’ve grown now but I can safely admit, that while I don’t try to take off each time I hear “health problems”, I will try to avoid jumping into such a conversation ferociously.
#Hottrendclothing Fashion LLC The subject of war was yet another matter that I would come to understand more only in my middle-late teens. The past is synonym for present for some Serbians. People sometimes spend more time talking about what happened in the last two wars than they do about what they will do the next day. The truth is that war has impacted Serbia in a great way and the scars are left today to contemplate for younger generations to come. Some buildings are still left there in their war state, devasted by the bombs and here for everyone to see and remember. I used to press my face against the car window when we passed them in our way to the city center, each time asking my mother the reason why Serbians did not repare them. Each time, the answer was the same; there was no money and the governement didn’t care to deal with it.